Constitutional Authority

Charitable Raffles


Authorized by Kansas

Constitutional Amendment

in 2014


Charitable Bingo


Authorized by Kansas

Constitutional Amendment

in 1974


State Lottery


Authorized by Kansas Constitutional

Amendment in 1986



Pari-mutuel Wagering


Authorized by Kansas


Amendment in 1986


Tribal Gaming


Authorized by Federal Indian


Regulatory Act in 1988


Statutory Authority

Raffle Amendment SCR 1618

(Charitable Raffles) 





Bingo Act

(Charitable Bingo) 





 Kansas Lottery Act 

(Traditional lottery




Kansas Expanded

Lottery Act

(State owned casinos)




Parimutuel Racing Act

(Horse and Dog Tracks

-None Currently in Operation)




Tribal Gaming

Oversight Act

(Tribal Casinos) 


Oversight Agencies

Kansas Department of Revenue


Regulates raffles conducted by

bona-fide, licensed, non-profit






For more information

Click Here

Kansas Department of Revenue


Regulates bingo conducted by

bona-fide, licensed, non-profit






For more information

Click Here

Kansas Lottery



Administers traditional

lottery games, owns and

operates state casino





For more information

Click Here

Lottery Gaming

Facility Review



Created to select

lottery gaming






Kansas Racing and

Gaming Commission


Regulates state owned

casinos and licensed

pari-mutuel racetracks in Kansas 





Kansas State

Gaming Agency


Oversees Tribal

Gaming operations

in Kansas




For more information

Click Here



The Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission is the agency empowered by the Kansas Expanded Lottery Act and Pari-mutuel Racing Act to  regulate  expanded gaming and pari-mutuel racing in Kansas. It is made up of a board of 5 commissioners that meet monthly to conduct regulatory business for gaming in Kansas. The day to day operations of the agency are run by an executive director and staff. KRGC meetings are open to the public and agendas and minutes are posted regularly online. Commission oversees a number of regulatory duties including audit/electronic security, surveillance & security, licensing and responsible gambling. In addition, the KRGC serves as the coordinating agency for illegal gambling in Kansas.



Lottery Gaming Facility Review Board

State Gaming Agency

Next KRGC Meeting

Date: Friday, April 18th
Time: 10:00am
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS
Suite 450


Click Here for Sports Wagering Regulations

Click Here for Current Agenda

Click Here for Past Meetings & Agendas

Click Here for the Casino's Past Revenue Reports
