Selection of a lottery gaming facility manager involves two commissions and one board:  The Kansas Lottery Commission, the Lottery Gaming Facility Review Board (LGFRB), and the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission.  After the Lottery Commission has vetted all applications and proposed contracts for a lottery gaming facility in a zone, the approved proposed contracts are submitted to the LGFRB for review.

The LGFRB is comprised of seven members:  three members appointed by the governor; two members appointed by the senate president; and two members appointed by the speaker of the house.  Political party representation is limited to a maximum of four from the same party.  The KRGC coordinates and/or administers the budget, purchasing, management functions and office and meeting space for the LGFRB, but the board is otherwise independent of the KRGC and the Lottery. Current members of the LGFRB are:

Governor (3 members)

Jack Bower (Chair), Atchison County    Republican

Lisa Pleasure, Johnson County              Unaffiliated

Georgianna Mullin, Johnson County       Republican


President of the Senate (2 members)                

Jeff Oakes, Greenwood County           Unaffiliated

Don Alexander, Neosho County           Republican


Speaker of the House (2 members)                  

Kevin Cook, Shawnee County             Democrat

Gail Radke, Johnson County               Republican


Once a management contract is entered into for the southeast gaming zone, the LGFRB will disband. The LGFRB will be reconstituted if, prior to expiration of any current management contract, the Kansas Lottery is unable to negotiate a substantially similar contract with the facility manager, requiring a new facility manager to be selected.



Next KRGC Meeting

Date: Friday, April 18th
Time: 10:00am
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS
Suite 450


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