The Kansas Constitution and criminal statutes establish that lotteries are illegal. A lottery is any game, scheme, gift, enterprise, or similar contrivance wherein persons agree to give valuable consideration for the chance to win a prize or prizes. The limited exceptions to illegal lotteries include licensed bingo games, tribal gaming, licensed parimutuel racing and wagering, and the state lottery (including casino gambling).

The KRGC acts as the state's coordinating agency for most questions and complaints regarding illegal gambling. That role requires the KRGC to employ educational, administrative and law enforcement methods to maintain the integrity of gaming in Kansas and to help curtail illegal gambling.


Criminal & Nuisance Statutes


Next KRGC Meeting

Date: Friday, March 14th
Time: 10:00am
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS
Suite 450


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