KRGC has responsibility for enforcing certain aspects of illegal gambling. Enforcement is focused on illegal poker rooms and illegal slot machines located in bars, restaurants, fraternal organizations and other locations throughout the state, and is accomplished primarily through civil asset seizure and forfeiture proceedings and through coordination of enforcement efforts with local law enforcement agencies.  KRGC also enforces gambling-related crimes found under KELA and the parimutuel racing act (KPRA).  Criminal, nuisance, KELA and KPRA statutes related to illegal gambling are:

Crimes Against the Public Morals

 Nuisance Statutes

 Crimes Under the Kansas Expanded Lottery Act (KELA)

 Crimes Under the Kansas Pari-mutuel Racing Act

Next KRGC Meeting

Date: Friday, April 18th
Time: 10:00am
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS
Suite 450


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