1. Placement in the Voluntary Exclusion List must be voluntary. You cannot be forced to place your name on the List by a loved one, a court official or any other individual. The decision to place your name on the Voluntary Exclusion List is yours and yours alone. Loved ones of a problem gambler cannot place that individual on the List - application for placement on the List must be completed by the individual to be placed on the List.

  2. You must complete the application in person at a Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission office. Applications can be processed at the KRGC office in Topeka or at any of the state owned Kansas casinos including Boot Hill Casino and Resort in Dodge City, Kansas Star Casino in Mulvane, Hollywood Casino at Kansas Speedway in Kansas City, and Kansas Crossing Casino in Pittsburg. Enrollments can be done at the casinos any time they are open with no appointment necessary. Enrollments can be done at the Topeka office with an appointment. Please call 785-296-5800 to set up an appointment to enroll at the Topeka office.

  3. You must be able to make a sober and informed decision about placement in the program. Applicants to the program cannot be under the influence of any alcoholic beverages or controlled substances that would prevent the applicant from making a sober and informed decision at the time of application for placement on the list. If you plan to complete the application at a casino, it is a wise idea to proceed directly to the KRGC office (without entering the gaming floor of the facility).

  4. Don't go for one last gambling visit - once an individual has decided to place their name on the List, we recommend that the individual does not engage in "one last visit' to a gambling facility before completing the application.

  5. Bring a state/government-issued photo identification card. The agent processing your application will make a photocopy of the ID card to include in the application packet.Once you arrive in the KRGC office and request to be placed on the List, the agent will provide you with a copy of the rule (K.A.R. 112-112) for the program and a copy of the application. You will be asked to read the rule and the application prior to completing your application.

  6. Read the rule (K.A.R. 112-112) and the application; ask the agent for clarification on any questions you may have.                                                                           
  7. You will complete the application in the presence of a KRGC agent. Again, please ask the agent for information on any questions or concerns you may have.

  8. The KRGC Agent will take your picture. This will be attached to your application.

  9. You will receive various materials to take with you, including a copy of the regulation (K.A.R. 112-112) and the Kansas compulsive gambling counselor list.

  10. Once you have completed a valid application, you are in the Voluntary Exclusion Program and your name will be added to the self-exclusion list.

    You will receive a photocopy of your completed application.

    You may continue to receive mailings from the casinos for several weeks - if you know that it is a direct marketing object and not a bill for a debt to the casino (i.e. returned check, etc.), you can throw it away without opening it.      Most of the casinos print their direct marketing campaigns several weeks in advance and warehouse them until the distribution date. It is not possible to remove you individual letter from the pre-printed mailings, but it will be removed from future mailings.

    You may not participate in any gambling activity at a Kansas casino from this point forward. If you are identified violating your contract to refrain from such activity, you will be arrested for trespassing and any electronic gaming credits, tokens or winnings in your possession at the time of arrest are subject to forfeiture.

  11. In a few weeks, you will receive a letter notifying you of your placement on the List. You may receive similar letters from the casinos.

Next KRGC Meeting

Date: Friday, April 18th
Time: 10:00am
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS
Suite 450


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