Shipment of EGMs, Components and Associated Hardware/Software

Shipping notifications are required for all EGMs, EGM components, and associated hardware and software 15 days prior to shipment. If a shipment needs to be cancelled, KRGC must be notified immediately. To see the complete list of KRGC shipping requirements click here.

Shipment of Table Game Accessories

Shipping notifications are not required for the items listed below; items not on the list are required to follow the shipping regulations in K.A.R. 112-107-5 and K.A.R. 112-108-55.  Although, shipping notifications are not required for the items listed below that does not negate the need for licensing.

  1. Dealer Stick
  2. Dealer Shoe
  3. Discard rack
  4. Toke Box
  5. Chairs
  6. Meal Carts
  7. Cup Holders
  8. Ash Trays
  9. Dice Bowls
  10. Aluminum Chip Case
  11. Dealer Aprons
  12. Ash Tray Screens
  13. Baccarat Can Lids
  14. Lammers (Not including On/Off Pucks)
  15. Calipers
  16. Dice Spinners
  17. Square
  18. Level Chip Racks
  19. Chip  Spacers
  20. Chip Trays
  21. Micrometer
  22. Counters
  23. Cut Cards
  24. Trash Cans
  25. Bird Cages
  26. Lammer Racks
  27. Roulette Bank Cover
  28. Sign Holders
  29. Zip Ties

Next KRGC Meeting

Date: Friday, April 18th
Time: 10:00am
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS
Suite 450


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Click Here for the Casino's Past Revenue Reports
