Kansas Open Records Act (KORA)
(K.S.A. 45-215, et. seq.)
Your Rights
Your Responsibilities
What Records Are Available

Exceptions To The Open Records Act
Requesting A Record


    • To inspect and obtain copies of public records which are not exempted from disclosure by a specific law.
    • To obtain a copy of the agency's policies and procedures for access to records and to request assistance from the agency's Freedom of Information Officer.
    • To receive a written response to your request within three (3) business days.To bring a private law suit or to file a complaint with the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission if you feel you are wrongfully denied records.
    • The response may inform you that it will take additional time to produce the records. Reasons for additional time may include voluminous records, complicated request parameters, unresolved legal issues, or difficulty in accessing archived records.
    • The response may deny your request, in whole or in part. If the request is denied, the agency must identify generally the records to be denied and the specific legal authority for the denial.

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    • You must request records -- written, photographic, or computerized. The Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) does not require the KRGC to answer questions or prepare reports.
    • KRGC may require you to put your request in writing, and you must provide proof of your identity, if requested.
    • Reasonable fees, not exceeding actual cost, may be charged for access to records, copies of records, and staff time for processing your request.

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Most records maintained by public entities are open for public inspection and copying. Records commonly requested include, but are not limited to:

    • Statutes
    • Regulations
    • Policies
    • Minutes/Records of open meetings
    • Agency budget document

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The KORA recognizes that certain records contain private or privileged information. The Act lists several exceptions to KORA disclosure, including:

    • Personnel information of public employees
    • Medical treatment records
    • Records protected by attorney-client privilege
    • Records closed by rules of evidence
    • Notes and preliminary drafts
    • Criminal investigation records
    • Records the disclosure of which is restricted or prohibited by a Tribal State Gaming Compact
    • Records specifically exempt from disclosure under the Kansas expanded lottery act (KELA) and the Kansas parimutuel racing act
    • Other types of records generally not related to racing and gaming, which can be found in K.S.A. 45-221
    • KRGC is only required to provide public records that already exist. There is no requirement for any agency to create a record upon request.

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    • Consult with the KRGC's Freedom of Information Officer to determine if the record you need exists or is available.
    • Be ready to provide a specific description of the record you seek.
    • You may be asked to submit your request for information in writing. Make your request as specific as possible to expedite the process.
    • Most records will be produced within three (3) business days from the time the request is received.
    • If the request is delayed or denied, you will receive a written explanation for the delay or denial within those three (3) days.
    • A Request for Records Form should be submitted when requesting records from KRGC that are not exempt from KORA disclosure requirements. If your records request is not related to illegal gambling, state-run casinos, horse racing or dog racing, the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission may be the wrong agency to fulfill your request. If your records request pertains to tribal gaming, please contact the Kansas State Gaming Agency at (785) 368-6202.
    • If you have any questions about your request, contact the KRGC's Freedom of Information Officer, (785) 296-5800.
    • This information pertains to laws in effect on July 1, 2000.
    • You may obtain a copy of the Request for Records form online in a fillable pdf format or call the KRGC's Topeka Office at (785) 296-5800 and a copy will be mailed to you.

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Next KRGC Meeting

Date: Friday, April 18th
Time: 10:00am
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS
Suite 450


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