The Office of Responsible Gambling works closely with and monitors the state-owned casinos to ensure that these facilities have plans in place to address both responsible and problem gambling and that those plans are being implemented appropriately. It requires adherence to specific policies and procedures to ensure that the casino patron experiences minimal negative consequence. KRGC requires the state-owned casinos to have a responsible gambling plan in place that includes training of all casino staff on responsible as well as problem gambling indicators; procedures to prevent the occurrence of problem gambling by patrons; procedures to prevent underage gambling; procedures to prevent substance abuse by patrons; the appropriate presence and placement of educational signage and printed materials; access to the Kansas Problem Gambling Helpline number and website; and access to the Voluntary Exclusion Program. The exclusion program is monitored by KRGC and allows individuals who think they may have a gambling problem to voluntarily exclude themselves from all state-owned casinos for a period of two years or lifetime.


Voluntary Exclusion Program

How To Apply


Published Brochures

Responsible Gambling News and Videos

Next KRGC Meeting

Date: Friday, April 18th
Time: 10:00am
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS
Suite 450


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